Grants to Individuals to start or grow a small business including grants for women, minorities and veterans.
Opportunity for USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, IHEs, and businesses to participate in a competition for the development of new concepts to treat epilepsy. The award will support the development and commercialization of the winning concepts, tec...
Grants of up to $75,000 to USA, Canada, and International researchers at for-profit and nonprofit institutions for research projects on psoriasis. Proposed projects should advance the understanding or treatment of psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, or related comorbiditie...
Grants of up to $500 and in-kind support to USA, Canada, and International women entrepreneurs to enhance business or organizational development. Funding is intended to support the improvement, expansion, and strengthening of organizations and businesses that impact fa...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International investigators affiliated with host institutions for research related to psoriasis. Funding is intended to help scientific discoveries transition more quickly into treatments that clearly benefit patients living with psoriasis an...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, and academic institutions for research to produce lower-cost monoclonal antibodies. The purpose of the program is to make mAbs accessible to a larger market, particula...
Opportunity for USA, Canada, and International startups to participate in an accelerator program related to women's health. The purpose of the accelerator is to generate nutrition-based solutions that address women's physical and mental health. Areas of interest includ...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, independent researchers, for-profit entities, and academic labs to evaluate AI security. Funding is aimed at enhancing the governance and oversight of AI decision-making processes and operations to effec...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and IHEs for research on a broad range of topics. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for scientific and he...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and agencies to conduct clinical trials on cancer screening and/or prevention. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is inten...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, agencies, and IHEs for long-term research projects on children's language development. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is int...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, for-profits, IHEs, government agencies, Tribes, school districts, and housing authorities for research projects on the neurological effects of chronic illnesses. Applicants are advised that the required ...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International individuals affiliated with IHEs, government, nonprofit, and for-profit entities for studies to enhance farm biodiversity. The research will focus on understanding the socio-economic factors associated with cooperative farm mana...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and IHEs to conduct scientific research which includes studies with human participants. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Fun...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International IHEs, agencies, and nonprofit and for-profit organizations to conduct scientific research which includes a clinical trial. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intende...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International research institutions, individuals, and for-profit entities for research related to advancing longevity. Funding is intended for exceptional and high-quality research projects related to themes that do not necessarily fall under...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International IHEs, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and agencies for research to understand individual differences in pain. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for...
In-kind grants of creative and marketing services to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit, educational, and service organizations and government agencies to improve communications and brand value. The goal of the program is to help organizations strengthen the mark...
Cooperative agreements to USA, Canada, and International IHEs, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and agencies to conduct clinical trials related to neurological emergencies. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Fu...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and IHEs for research and development of technologies to target specific brain cells. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Fundi...
Opportunity for Nova Scotia start-up companies to participate in a business development program and receive funding of up to $40,000. First-time applicants must contact program staff before applying. The program is a milestone-based opportunity that helps Nova Scotia s...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and agencies to train postdoctoral medical researchers. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended to give early-caree...
Cooperative agreement to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit, for-profit, and Tribal organizations, government and Tribal agencies, housing authorities, individuals, and school districts for research related to strokes and neurological disorders. Applicants are ad...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International small and medium-sized enterprises and startups for projects addressing artificial intelligence. Funding is intended to support initiatives addressing issues including but not limited to efficiency, guest experiences, social imp...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and government-affiliated researchers to devise environmentally-friendly food packaging alternatives. Applicants are advised that required registrations must be completed prior to ap...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International IHEs, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and agencies for research relating to innovative treatments for cancer. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for...
Cooperative agreements to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, for-profits, IHEs, government agencies, Tribes, school districts, and housing authorities to develop a resource for human brain cell data research. Applicants are advised that the require...
Awards to Canada authors, translators, and illustrators, and grants to Canada publishers for outstanding works of literature in a variety of genres. The purpose of this program is to recognize exemplary artistic and literary publications. Awards will be given for books...
Grants and loans to Nova Scotia new farms and farmers to promote economic development. Funding is intended to support and encourage new ownership of commercial farms. The goal of the grant program is to improve the financial stability of beginner farmers in the first y...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and agencies to support small-scale research projects. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for small research p...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, for-profits, IHEs, tribal governments, and nonprofit organizations for new research to develop better pharmaceuticals for children and pregnant women. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several...
Opportunity for USA and Canada health-related startup companies to participate in a business development program in Alabama. The opportunity is intended to connect innovative health tech startups with the capital, mentoring, and connections they need to build and grow ...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and IHEs for research projects related to neuroimaging. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for application...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, government agencies, school districts, Tribes, and faith-based organizations for research projects addressing Alzheimer's disease. Applicants are advised that required registrations ...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and agencies for innovative exploratory biomedical research. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended to support the...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and agencies for exploratory research projects on children's language development. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is i...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, for-profits, IHEs, government agencies, Tribes, school districts, and housing authorities for research projects related to mental health and chronic illnesses. Applicants are advised that the required re...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, IHEs, and nonprofit and for-profit organizations for novel, exploratory health-related research. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for novel rese...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International agencies, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and IHEs for exploratory neuroscience research projects. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for innovative...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit, for-profit, and faith-based organizations, government and tribal agencies, and IHEs for studies to determine the efficacy of therapeutic agents to treat neurological disorders. Applicants are advised that required reg...
Cooperative agreements to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit organizations, Tribes, for-profits, IHEs, and government agencies for research addressing strokes and neurological disorders. Applicants are advised that the required registrations must be completed pri...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, government agencies, IHEs, Tribal governments, school districts, and faith-based organizations for studies addressing human genetic research. Applicants are advised that required registrat...
Cooperative agreements to USA, Canada, and International government agencies, IHEs, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and small businesses for research related to neuromuscular and neurological conditions and disorders. Required registrations may take several wee...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International IHEs, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, and agencies for small research projects related to cancer. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for small resea...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, IHEs, and agencies for research on medical ethics. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Funding is intended for research on the ethical, l...
Grants to Canada music artists, independent record labels, and artist managers for marketing and promotional activities. Funding is intended to help emerging and promising music artists launch their professional careers. The goal of the program is to directly impact ar...
Fellowships to USA and Canada entrepreneurs to develop ideas for innovative, high-impact environmental or social ventures. The purpose of the fellowship is to build character and resilience in participants and to provide them with technical assistance from dedicated pr...
Awards to USA, Canada, and International journalists and newsrooms to recognize outstanding work in data journalism. Entries may include but are not limited to the following topics: climate change or international conflicts. Awardees will receive a monetary prize, a ce...
Opportunity for USA, Canada, and International startups to participate in an accelerator program to advance their company. Participants will have access to weekly consultations, an investor boot camp, a virtual demo day, networking opportunities, and the use of the fun...
Grants of $10,000 to Canada, Australia, and New Zealand restaurants for disaster relief. Funding is intended to support underinsured restaurants with disaster-related expenses in the wake of a government-declared natural disaster. Eligible uses of funds include operat...
Grants to USA, Canada, and International nonprofit and for-profit organizations, agencies, and IHEs for developmental studies on eligible diseases. Applicants are advised that required registrations may take several weeks to complete. Diseases eligible under this fundi...